Technology Focus Areas
Industry Application
The Information collected at the ground floor is being organized and understood to help us serve our customers more effectively in all areas of life. Here are a few Industries that our Candidates affect:
Energy Production & Processing
Exploration, Drilling & Production, Chemical Plants & Refineries
Industrial Manufacturing
Automotive, Electronics, Consumer Goods
Transportation & Logistics
Pipelines, Ports, Supply Chain
Credentialing Applications, Clinical Data, Pharmaceutical
Public Infrastructure
Smart Cities, Traffic Impact Analytics, Utilities
Conditions Monitoring, Harvest Analysis, Efficiency of Storage
Consumer Connection
Wearables, Smart Home, On-Demand Order & Delivery
Inventory Management and Intelligence

The lines between Information Technology and Operational Technology are dissolving. We solve staffing issues across the spectrum from IT to OT – and of course – where they Converge.
Information Technology

Make more informed and better decisions for your business.

Protect Data. Protect its Integrity. Promote its authorized use across the World.

Reach and serve Employees, Partners, and Customers in an effective manner.

Collect and organize raw data to identify trends.

Connect your hardware, software, networks, data centers, facilities, and other equipment.

Get the job done effectively and efficiently.
Operational Technology

Monitor and Control your Process from anywhere.

Identify data trends and put them to work.

Understand the situation and Make good decisions in real time.

Ensure quality control on your automated processes.

Monitor and Control your highly complex, automated processes.